November 9 – December 10
Petaluma Historical Library & Museum
20 4th Street, Petaluma
Corner of 4th and B Streets
Women serving in the military and female veterans are the focus of an exhibit the Petaluma Historical Library and Museum is hosting from Nov. 9 through Dec. 10.
While women have contributed significantly to our nation’s military services, they are often not given the same recognition as their male counterparts. This exhibit will highlight the many contributions women have made and the vital roles they have within our military. Additionally, the exhibit will recognize how their service contributes to the mission of our armed forces.
The exhibit begins with a timeline of when and how women first became involved with the United States military and includes a tribute to those who have given their lives in support of our nation’s freedom. Beginning with the Revolutionary War and continuing through today, women have served in all branches and military occupational specialties of our armed forces. Looking at the photos and reading the biographies included in the exhibit will help visitors to learn the stories of some of our nation’s female veterans.
“Women In The Military” Opening Night
Thursday, November 9, 2023
5:00 – 7:30 PM
Petaluma Historical Library & Museum
20 4th Street, Petaluma
As an introduction to the exhibit:

Please join us to see and hear Author Jeane Slone’s presentation introducing the female Veterans from her books:
Army Nurses, Shipbuilders, Pilots, War Correspondents and Spies.
Slide show begins promptly at 5:30 with a Q&A to follow at 6:15.
The Author will autograph and sell her historical novels before and after the presentation.
Light refreshments will be served
Donations to the museum greatly appreciated